so yesterday was the ct (cat) scan to make sure there is no cancer (there is not... praise the Lord)... and it was not fun... first of all they give you this stuff to drink and it is called contrast... i guess it makes your insides glow so it is easier to take pictures, etc... well... i got berry flavor (they had a choice of berry, banana, or vanilla) the taste of the contrast was not bad at all; however, the thickness left a little to be desired... in addition you have to drink two bottles of it in 30 minutes... and do it on an empty stomach, because you aren't allowed to drink or eat anything after midnight the night before... needless to say, it did not agree with me... turns out that was a good thing... the technician said that you want to make sure everything gets out of your system quickly or it will harden in your body... not sure what would happen then... :0... i go to take the cat scan and everything is going well until he says that he is going to run an IV... who knew they need to do an IV during the cat scan!! again, i am not an easy stick... and you could tell that this guys normal job is not to put IV's in... i asked him to use a pediatric needle and he let me know that he couldn't with what he was needing to do and that this needle was even bigger than normal because it had a plastic sheath on it... well... good luck! he first attempted to put the iv on the outside of my elbow... and no brainer there, the vein was too crooked... so he resulted in one on the inside of my wrist... it was not fun and hurt the entire time... he kept bragging about what a good job he did... pretty much annoying! it is still swollen and bruised today :( i am hoping that all this iron i am getting is going to make my veins larger and easier to get these things in! until then, i am thankful for the nurses at st. anthony's... the dr. called with the results of the cat scan today and said that it is also showing that there is a mass in the uterus... so that was good news as well...
today was the 2nd iron treatment at the cancer care center... things went pretty smoothly... Sherri took me this time so that i didn't accidentally fall asleep on the way home... (dang benadryl)... they got me on the first stick! and it did not hurt! two answers to prayer!! these ladies are trained professionals and for that i am so thankful... i am hoping during the surgery thought that they can find another spot besides my right hand... i use that for pretty much everything and it is a little hard for it to be immobilized... i was trying really hard not to move it today as the injection was right next to a nerve and every time i moved it there would be a sharp pinch in my hand... that hurt... i slept this time during the treatment and that helped... i didn't feel completely exhausted afterwards like last time... they did say that my blood pressure was a little high, but i think that was because of everything going on this week... we will see what it is at tomorrow... i also was able to get all of my reports reviewed before i left for the treatment and that was a huge answer to prayer so that i don't have to worry about working on it tonight when i am so sleepy...
only one more day until we find out the size and results and date of the surgery... hopefully then, i will get a good night's sleep... she said to bring all of my questions to the appointment tomorrow... i have a lot of them... i will keep you posted on what i find out... thanks to everyone for all the prayers and support it really means alot...
love you!
I warned you about that contrast stuff, I too had berry flavor. Who cares about the flavor when you have to get to bottles of paint down you in 30 minutes. I'm glad to hear the news, so sorry about the soreness. Look at it this way, when you do get pregnant you'll be a pro at the whole needle thing!
i had the same stuff! it was horrible! and then they made me take MORE after i got to the hospital! ugh i can still remember the taste. nastiness. i am glad for you that that part is over!
me too! no fun!!
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