Jul 26, 2009

I Hope I Get A Segment On '60 Minutes'

It's currently 2:42 am on Sunday July 26, 2009 and I feel like I might go Andy Rooney on you. Please excuse any and all typographic and grammatical errors. I can't sleep and I don't have a clue as to why. (side note: is that even an expression? as to why? at best it isn't grammatically correct)
Today I got my letter that said I can graduate on Dec. 11, 2009. That date is not far away. I'm sitting here wondering how this can be happening. It seems I was dreading middle school just yesterday and in 4.5 months I will be a college graduate. No, I don't have any concrete plans for the future. My field is in limbo right now but I also don't want to be stuck doing something I hate for money. I think that's the definition of a whore-minus the sex. I think I would be a great stay at home daddy, Dionne disagrees.
I'm blessed to have my family. Sure they're annoying sometimes and yell at me at lunch because I enjoy playing devil's advocate (I'm pretty sure they don't know where I actually stand on most issues, but I prefer them to be strong in their own), but they're good people.
I really think HSN and QVC should be in high definition by now. I assume it would help their sales. Speaking of HD, who would have thought Linda Cavanaugh's Oklahoma Broadcasting Legend face would look nice in 1080p. There's probably a lesson about ageism in there. I sure hope Meg Alexander asked for a refund from her plastic surgeon.
People keep asking me what I think about the current political situation. I'm sure it isn't because they value my opinion, rather they are hoping I will stir the pot. Stirring the pot is fun. I recommend it, regardless of the reputation you earn. Anyway, folks just assume I have an opinion on everything and I may, but opinions are just that and mine is not any more important than yours. Here's the gist of it though: Believe it or not, things weren't going that great before January 20 either and we will not be able to legislate the change this country needs to correct our path. The only hope for America is another great awakening, however I fear this may be burdened by some folks who probably have the best of intentions. Yes, sin has ravaged our communities, economies and futures, but blaming the sinners won't heal the situation. Until we all get down from our pulpits, soap boxes, and pedestals, look our fellow sinners in the eyes as equals and love on them by sharing the transformative power of Jesus Christ, no legislation, protest, or morality proclamation will make a difference. We will just get unfairly labeled as intolerant bigots by doing the former. Imagine it as evangelism in the trenches. It's a spiritual war in our culture and we are losing the battle, not because we are ill equipped, but because we lost focus of the ultimate mission.
I'm going to post this now, but I hope you at least get this out of my drawn out and sporadic huddle: you may be right, but you were wrong until someone showed you His light.
Let me know what you think in the comments, but keep it friendly. I don't want another Hitler v. Obama debate.
The Rev. Dustin M. Rogers
Ordained by the Universal Life Monastery

Jul 16, 2009

Florida in Pictures

When we open a door, this is what we see. Not too shabby.

This too, just not turned.

Dionne smiling for the camera after I cleaned off the lens

Before I cleaned the lens.

Brandy and Sandy were not happy to be awoken at 4:30 in the morning.

Details on the rest of the day to come later.

Jul 15, 2009

I Got Crabs From Dirty Dicks/ As The Greyhounds Run

It looks like I wont be able to post pictures immediately due to a lack free wifi. The cellular connection also seems to be faint and unreliable.
Day 1
I hate flying less than driving so we fly. We hit turbulence and had a family with three kids under 5, Oh joy. Once we got off the plane we saw ads for a restaurant called Dirty Dicks. Classy establishment if I do say so myself. Our headline is provided from a t-shirt available to purchase in the gift shop.
The beach. Oh, the beach. I've frolicked on the bay before and didn't care for it. We went out and naturally I got sea sick from the combination of floating green stuff, stink, and motion.
To top off the day, we had dinner and entertainment courtesy of 15 rounds of greyhounds. I don't like the exploitation of canines or gambling, fortunately there was a 13 or 14 boy and girl really hitting it off by the track. They provided the entertainment for the last two hours. He never kissed the girl and we all went home disappointed from it. The hotspot I found is spotty and it's bed time, so I am attempting to post this now. Read the twitter feed to the right for updates and see you tomorrow!
Rev. Dustin M. Rogers

Jul 14, 2009

We're Heading To America's Wang!

Yep, that's where we're going. Panama City Beach, FL here we come. We leave at an ungodly hour tomorrow morning and I've found that I would rather update a blog I haven't updated in 3 months than pack.
Dionne just got mad at me for not bringing in the dog food, so I have to cut this short and pretend to care she's upset.
Until next time,
Rev. Dustin M. Rogers