Apr 14, 2009

I Don't Have The Attention Span For Blogging

Thanks to twitter, I feel as though I can no longer blog. I need to be limited to 140 characters or else I don't know when to stop anymore, plus anything I would post is already tweeted.

I'll try anyway.

I finally finished enrolling for my final semester of undergrad. :drumroll:
  • Fun with iWeb
  • Sex, Love, and Romance in the Media
  • Famous News Broadcasts
  • Public Information Methods
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Intro to Grammar
  • Psychology of Grief
Three of those are intersession and two are online courses, so I only have two classes at UCO on just two days.
Terrifying to think in 8 months I will have a degree and hopefully a burgeoning career. I still plan on getting an MBA but will have to wait to see what happens with the offspring issue. Change is not my friend. Graduation coupled with the final season of "The Hills" equals devastation of life as I know.

Chelsea Handler's little nugget, Chuy, passed his citizenship test. Please join me in welcoming our new countrymen.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning of rising right-wing extremism. Why is this concerning? Because right-wing extremists are also the ones who enjoy guns. Well I don't like either.

Pirates? Really? Instead of Johnny Depp we get teenagers with guns? Every little boys fantasy has effectively been crushed. Thanks Somolia.

Speaking of being crushed, "Guiding Light" was canceled after 72 years. I have never watched a single episode of "GL," but as the longest running program in broadcast history, its cancellation signals the end of an era. Debuting on Jan. 25, 1937, as a 15 minute radio program on NBC, it broke barriers felt across the broadcasting landscape. Mourn with me.

You know what really grinds my gears? Not knowing if anyone reads this blog.
Until next time,
The Rev. Dustin M. Rogers
(Ordained by the Universal Life Church Monastery)


Anonymous said...

I read it... and enjoyed it....yes I too have never seen Guiding Light, although my grandmothers watched it religeously, and yet I am also sad for it to end....

And so happy for Chuy and Chelsea..just think of all the little American nuggets he can have now...it's amazing what kind of welcoming society we live in.

As for your college career ending...I'm sorry to say but yes Dusty, it is now time for both you and James to face the future and go forth and work....bring in some cash... follow a path and broaden your horizons.... and on your end, take over the financial support of your family and get a job using your degree or maybe take the job your destined for and become CEO of the Kohl's Corporation.

Lots of love - M

Anonymous said...

I also enjoy reading your blog. I check it nearly every day. I am so proud of you getting ready to graduate in Dec. and yes you are going to walk the stage :0) Love you bunches.

Shannon said...

I read it.

Matt Rogers said...

I read this piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I don't have twitter but I wanted to know that I enjoyed our convo in the drive thru!! =) Hope you have a great week We are thinking about ya'll and praying for you. Love to you and the fam